Adam Kornfield

Adam Kornfield

Co-Founder, Baronfig
542 points
All activity
Adam Kornfield
Adam Kornfield
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Awesome digging Danny's new work and applications of AI!
AI-powered stock photo library & generator
Adam Kornfield
Adam Kornfield
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Loving the logos! Nice work on it all
Free Logos by Larkef
Free Logos by Larkef
The perfect logo for your project is just a click away.
Adam Kornfield
Adam Kornfield
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Nice work Severin, you’re always producing quality!
SaaStarter Nuxt
Stop wasting time on implementing authentication and payment
Adam Kornfield
Adam Kornfield
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I'm a huge fan of Mimo and excited to see v3.0 released!
Mimo 3.0
Learn to Code on iOS & Android 📱
Adam Kornfield

Baron Fig and Codecademy represent two sides of the thinker coin—analog and digital. Computerworld is a result of these sides coming together to inspire learning, thinking, and collaboration.

The limited paper type is called 'Code Ruled.' It's designed to reflect a dev code environment: numbers from top to bottom; indentation markers.

A limited edition notebook by Baron Fig + Codecademy
Adam Kornfield

Treasured ideas are meant to be kept safe. Like a key to a lock, a notebook and pen are made for each other to uncover mysteries—and conceal those of your own.

Lock & Key by Baron Fig
Lock & Key by Baron Fig
A notebook and pen set with a six level cypher.