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Shoot Some Hoops
An iMessage Game

Ace Green
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@mulligan Tested it out on my app @StockSwipe. I can see a lot of potential in Super User. But it definitely needs custom triggers for defining a super user. I hope this is a top priority as each app has its own definition of super user.

Super User Dashboard by LaunchKit
An easy way to see who uses your app the most

Ace Green
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Any interest in a free tier?

Grow your audience by sharing truly engaging content weekly

Ace Green
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I like @StockSwipe more :P

Spark serves up curated stock and market ideas

Ace Green
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Great product. Came across this while searching around. I actually developed my own app called StockSwipe targeted towards simplifying the discovery of stocks. Its Tinder for stocks :)

Helping you pick great stocks to invest in

Ace Green
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Haha awesome idea!! Clever on many levels.

There’s no better wingman than your dog (Tinder w/ your pup)

Ace Green
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Thanks for hunting!
I created Chronic with the intention of creating a simple workout companion. I myself am a bit of a fitness geek and love tracking my runs and workouts. The idea came to me while I was working on and using a similar app. the app was outdated and very complex. I looked at other timers like interval timer and timer+ and even seconds and in the end, ended up creating my own....

Chronic Timer
The Simplest Workout Companion Out There!

Chronic Timer
The Simplest Workout Companion Out There!

Ace Green
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Thanks for hunting!
StockSwipe is an intuitive, quick and fun app that lets you discover new stocks by swiping through randomly select charts.
The idea came to me while I was analyzing stocks ourselves. Part of my daily routine as a trader, was to scan FinViz and other sites for charts with a potential trade opportunities. But none of these sites had an intuitive way to do so on mobile....

Discover Trade Ideas & Trending Stocks

Discover Trade Ideas & Trending Stocks

Ace Green
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Hey I signed up for the trial but it seems to have linked my personal account instead of the account of my app @StockSwipe. I then tried to unlink my twitter account but couldn't and also tried to signup a new account with the other my apps twitter account but it wouldn't go through.
I think narrow has a lot of potential and I would love it if you can set me up. I emailed you and sent you a...

Grow your Twitter following and build a targeted audience