Record exactly what went wrong and share it instantly with your dev team. No more back-and-forth emails, unnecessary meeting, or confusing screenshots.
Jam auto-captures technical logs, and creates developer-ready bug reports in seconds.
Work faster with parts suppliers from idea to production. Get instant quotes for your designs, source new verified suppliers around the world, get feedback directly from suppliers to avoid mistakes and produce even the most complex parts with minimum delays.
Context Note is a free chrome extension that help you take notes on the web with their context. With the context, we could understand and recall the details of the notes better while reviewing. A handy tag system is also provided to manage the notes neatly.
Page Pad is a Chrome extension for creating notes on any web page while browsing the web. Now create, edit and maintain notes for any web page you visit or easily access all notes on a particular website.
StickyList is just a sticky note for your next priorities. It isn’t feature rich, but it is powerful when used right. No Sync. No Reminders. No Repeat. Focus on your work, not our app. Only stored on your device. Drag & Drop for prioritising. And Dark Mode🌙