volley is making my dream of a meet-less work-life possible!!! its doing EVERYTHING I have ever wanted in a mobile app for connecting with my team and community.
now that its shutting down i need to migrate everything to Discord and would love to have audio, video, transcripts, etc... that would integrate into my Discord server
It's a fantastic product for anyone looking to start a consulting business. Much easier to use than a half dozen calendar, messaging, payments, and scheduling platforms.
Volley has completely changed my dog training coaching business and elevated it to the most innovative in the world. It is by far the leader for asynchronous learning delivery and it is hands down going to change the coaching world forever by elevating it!
First class customer support, fantastic product which makes communication and collaboration more personable fun and meaningful. And just when you thought it couldn’t get any better, they create a marketplace for coaches, consultants, creators and the like, to sale there services! It’s a game changer and a no brainer!!
I love volley and the quick communication that is almost instant and yet allows for think time, play time. It allows for interactions between like thinkers at different rates. Some think and talk quickly, others contemplate more and offer a unique perspective that can be added to any point of the conversation. It is like instant replay with more minds adding to the pot. I am not a linear thinker and this is for me!