What is Text Blaze?
Easy-to-use templates with endless customizability and powerful automation.
All with full control at your fingertips.
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5/5 based on 21 reviews
Maker reviews of Text Blaze

Text Blaze saves me tons of time every day. The Chrome Extension allows you to create text templates to avoid repetitive typing. Plus, it's so easy to use and offers a generous free version!
•1 review
Brilliant software, well thought out, but even better is the team behind it. Super responsive, helpful and very knowledgable and talented.
•1 review
I'm obsessed with automating my workflow and creating powerful snippets.
•2 reviews
TextBlaze (TB) is probably one of my favorite utility apps of all time (barring grammar correction apps).
There are 3 facets that really make it standout.
1st and foremost is control. You control exactly what is being calculated, scrapped, and expanded. There is no AI butting in and telling you how to do things. That isn't to say that TB doesn't have an AI because it does. What I mean to say is that you ask it for advice instead of it dragging you wherever it thinks you should go like Magical (which is another great app for someone else who doesn't want or need to be as precise as I do).
TB achieves great precision by allowing things like formulas and if/else statements. Along with an easy-to-use tool that lets you select web elements to scrap. I used TB to set appointments and I needed to include: ID, name, address, product, and day/time of appointment. Then I needed to tag whoever was on routing duty that day, and (if I wanted a bonus) record the appointment along with any bonus worthy metrics. It took time, time I didn't want to invest since I wanted a big bonus. Then, once I managed to get lots of bonus material, it was a slog going through everything, and sending it all in for review.
With TB, it was all done in 15 seconds. And the end of the month took about 2 minutes max. Well worth the effort of getting to know the product
2nd, there is the text-expansion. It is invaluable to be able to type quickly and have everything look professional once it is written out. B/c becomes Because, w/ becomes with, and appt becomes appointment. Wonderful time saver, no two ways about it.
3rd, DataBlaze integration. Nothing quite like having a web-based database that seamlessly works with a time-saving app like TB.
And for those of you who are picky, a 3rd facet that has to do directly with TB would be the control flow enabled in the app. I love if/else statements to death. Careful planning ahead of time means that I don't ever need to do more than glance at the results afterward.
I see TB as a net benefit for everyone who is on the computer all day, and I am unafraid of questions. As is the community and the creators of the app. The number of resources available to someone just starting to learn to use this tool... frankly it is phenomenal and flattering to get a walkthrough of the product (or just one facet of it) with the very people who made it