Every single feature seems really useful. Love the approach to AI that Tettra is taking. The FAQ feature is particularly useful in my opinion! Nice work, team.
Very cool @nelsonjoyce and @andygcook! Would love to hear more about your strategy for generating embeddings here. Do you have separate embeddings per customer?
We've been using Tettra for years and it just works. Kai will finally unlock the value of our years of content for our team. I'm excited to have it power our team.
This is awesome, @nelsonjoyce and @andygcook! It looks sweet. What is powering the backend? Did you hone an AI model on your companies' data? Would love to learn more.
Seems like a smart approach. We've been playing around with different solutions here and I'm super scared to roll out anything that, if it's wrong, is really wrong. Bad documentation is 10X worse than no documentation at all imho.
awesome idea and a useful product for agencies
but there is a small issue on your header navigation area please fix it
thanks guys
BTW love your integrations and it is suitable for my company