Bookstash is a free library of curated summaries from top nonfiction books. We pick a book for you and give you all the key ideas and you get to save your favorites for later & track your reading progress.
A community on Slack where book lovers around the world are coming together to discuss what they’re reading. Each book has its own Slack channel, so it’s easy to find other readers, share thoughts and questions, or just sit back and follow the conversation.
The Memorisely book club is made to help designers form a healthy habit of reading. We read a design book-a-month together and jump on a zoom call at the end of the month with the author to share perspectives, and learn from eachother. It's free and fun 📚
- Be the first to hear about our monthly picks, straight from Reese - Bond with a community of book lovers - Share your book joy and opinions with lively events and discussions - Take action and make a difference to get more of us reading
AI Bookstore - Personalized Book Recommendations Discover AI Bookstore, a web service using ChatGPT API to recommend books based on your unique preferences.
The Actionable Book Club is a newsletter course where we take the insights from the book ‘Deep Work’ by Cal Newport and break it down into actionable pieces. You get an e-mail every working day that takes exactly 10 minutes to complete. Come learn with us!