ContentStudio offers a content discovery tool that makes content curation blogs and social media effortless for business in any niche or market. An online platform to better organize your business' content curation efforts.
Publicfast is a marketing tool to promote businesses on social media through opinion leaders' social reach. Opinion leaders are socially active people who have profiles with many friends and followers on social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitt...
We make more than 1000 of the world’s best marketing teams unstoppable improving their Content Production streamline with our Content Marketing Software.
SocialBook is the AI-powered data analytics for any YouTube Influencer, that reveals influencer channel insights, influencer market value and hidden audience insights at scale.
We help marketers, agencies and brands to easily perform influencer lead generation across Instagram, TikTok & Pinterest. Search 3m+ profiles with 8+ filters & export selected profiles and contact data to a simple CSV file.
Our principled position envisages free access to the constantly updated and expanding influencer database, where everyone will be able to find their “own blogger” for further collaboration.
Appsedia is a data analytics web app that allows you to gain insights from customer reviews and social media discussions to make powerful decisions based on machine learning models. Start your free trial today!
We connect dog influencers (dogfluencers) with brands. Brands start a campaign in which dog influencers participate. The influencer promotes the product and in return gets the product for free!