One sentence a day to learn more about yourself. Reflect on emotions, weaknesses and driving factors in your life. Punkt makes journaling easy and fun.
Forrest makes running and cycling more fun and challenging by adding an element of competition. It turns your runs and rides into races by letting you compete in real-time against virtual opponents or even your own personal bests and previous races.
Runverals is an iOS / Apple Watch app that automatically tracks your running intervals. It uses your accelerometor and GPS to detect when you are running and when you are resting. We'll track and show you all the important stats divided up by interval.
Running a PR in a race is tough without great pacing. True Pace can help. It calculates finish time with paces that change during the race. Thus you can plan for negative splits and account for hills. Easily compare pacing strategies and share your race plans.
Humanly helps users shift their consciousness from judgments, evaluations, and criticisms to the feelings and needs of themselves and others - allowing users to see people as whole, unique, and coequal; helping their natural compassion flourish.