I think this is my favorite link shortener now! I've tried all the big names over the years, and have been using a particularly well-known one that requires you to log into a WordPress site every time you use it. This doesn't sound too onerous on paper, but is a real pain in practice.
I love that Pixel is web-based. So far (been using it for about 6 months now) it’s been totally reliable. Click-throughs are snappy (no delays).
I strongly suggest you get your own domain to truly brand your links. Setup only takes minutes.
The browser extension is cool. Smart Folders makes keeping your links grouped and organized much easier. The detailed built-in analytics is very useful. QR code generation as part of the link-creation process is darn handy. The company provides good, prompt support and is open to suggestions.
The new landing pages feature (Microsites) has potential, though it desperately needs integration with autoresponder/email service providers (I hope that’s coming), or at very least the ability to take form code.
There are some things Pixel is missing which it really needs. The ability to RESET clicks is one. Searching for links has got problems when you've got a lot of them. Analytics for Smart Folders would be extremely useful.
Overall, I really dig Pixel!