It’s very useful for startups and small businesses. Very easy and there are some free options for trying.
You can check your trademark in secs!
If u're an introvert, but u have some ideas, that will make significant influence for the ordinary life, u can use this bot to register your own trademark even from your home.
You shouldn't look for mass of papers and to sink in bureaucracy, PatentBot will make it all for you! Quickly and qualified friend)
Patentbot will definetly save your time as well as money, will bring you a wide smile and your soul will be singing too!
No one product on the market can stay against Patentbot, but team is stilltrying to be much better than product was last day!
It's all my short notes about this startup after more than 3 months of using!
I oftent use it for searching trademarks (this option is free) in the US
Very interesting idea. Previously i looked for trademark registration services in Ukraine, but they all are too boring. This one is very fast. There are no dozens of unusefull texts as it is often on legislation websites. And it satisfy my main need - checking already registered TMs. Unfortunately my desired TM is already taken by someone and I'm sad of this.
Very cool project. This bot really makes registration of trademarkes easier. And it's also a lot of fun ;)
It is very useful and gives a smart solution to the problem of long lasting process to register a trademark. I love it) Just TM it. Highly recommended for everyone, who wants to quickly register a trademark.