OpenAI API to Airtable - Connect Airtable to OpenAI API without using 3rd party tools
A custom script that helps you integrate Airtable with the OpenAI API without using any 3rd party tools like Zapier or Make - possible even with the free Airtable account.
Just copy-paste the "script" and start getting responses from gpt-4/3.5, immediately.
AI Toolbox Universe - 3,600+ AI tools to fuel your creativity and efficiency
A comprehensive curated list of 3,600+ AI tools from 160+ categories, each with key data and links for easy access offering an unparalleled resource for creators, freelancers, marketers, developers, researchers, and tech enthusiasts.
Generate QR Codes in Google Sheets - Generate QR Codes in Google Sheets & Upload as Images
A script to generate bulk QR codes right inside Google Sheets and then upload each of them as images to Cloudinary. The “custom script” doesn’t require any additional setup or subscription to any 3rd party tools.