Notion is an all-in-one workspace that combines note-taking, project management, and task organization. It allows users to create customized databases, documents, and calendars to streamline their personal and professional workflows.
Hi, it's! BBC featured & 3 times reddot awarded eternal stationery Reusable notebook & never-ending pencil It comes with an app that turns handwriting into digital Shipping started Oct. Currently sold out 6500/6500 Pre-order with -30%, get one in Feb
Distraction-free note taking without leaving your keyboard. No more juggling between media controls, mouse and what not. A frictionless experience for note taking on Youtube.
Hi guys, FSNotes 5 finally released! Here most advanced notes manager for macOS fully rewitten and powered by electron... Joke :D Of course Swift like early, but with tons of improvements. Advanced tags management, folders tree, polished UI/UX and more!
Task List is a personal Task manager and To-Do List App for iPhone and iPad that helps to be more productive. Easily create and manage Your Tasks, To-Do Lists, Notes, Events in one App. Set reminders for Events and browse Tasks in Calendar. Use it offline and online and Sync between iPhone and iPad. Free Download Task List on the App Store.
Features: * Focus on a single task * Shortcut for everything * Menu-bar app * Organize your tasks with todos, bookmarks and notes * Drag & Drop file as bookmarks * Open-sourced written with Electron, React, Redux
FSNotes is modern notes manager for macOS and iOS. This app respects open formats like GitHub Flavored Markdown, so you can easily write documents on iPhone and MacBook.
Counter is a free (and it'll always remain free) service that allows you to embed an image into your site, and it shows how many times it has been viewed in the past 24 hours. Counter can be used in websites, emails, or even discord servers. No registration, no api keys, just a simple views counter.
Recheck is NOT another todo-list. I believed in the beauty of an old and simple idea - Checklist. Plenty of templates makes you easy to start. You will notice how easy to use at first glance and the unique features after.
Take Notes is a platform that allows you to create handwritten notes in a flash. It's super simple and fun to use! Type in your note or scan an image -it's up to you! Engage your audience and your clients with a personal touch!
Organize your notes and sort them into any number of folders and subfolders. Create checklists and add your own pictures. With the notes app "Noteful", you have all your notes perfectly under control.
ClassTime is a dead simple and easy to use timetable app for students. All you do is enter your timetable, add your tasks and files and forget about it. ClassTime will remind you of upcoming classes and pending tasks, and keeps all your files in one place.
Make communication in your team to next level. With this note-taking application you can put information fast and easy and share it with your friends, family and colleagues. Sharing notes can improve you collective memory and help to prevent misunderstanding.