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No Lick Music - Five no copyright tracks every week. Unsplash for music.
I'm talking with artists on a daily basis building the No Lick synth. Musicians realize music distribution is a way to promote yourself, and sadly enough no longer a major sales channel.
Our 2500 early No Lick users ask frequently if the app can be used to produce copyright free music.
1 + 1 = 2. Today marks the start of No Lick music.
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This does exactly what it says it does, well. 5 tracks, every week. They are 5 good tracks as well. The ambition to be the Unsplash of music is bold, but if they get the right people on board, then I'd love to see it happen. The creator community is crying out for something like this. I hope you scale this. Nice work.
So, i`m not a music man buuut, i play a lot with no lick because their is so intuitive and fun. Congradulations guys!
a whole synth developed on a browser, with no plugin nor downloads. Impressive!
When I used this website based synth I was happy to see that people are interested in such ideas of multiplayer. Even when I was asked for beta test questions everything was cool and I actually liked the logo.
Lackadaisical. More features need to be implemented for app or it seems something a six year old could have written