Download free stock video footage with over 28,000 video clips in 4k and HD. We also offer a wide selection of music and sound effect files with over 100,000 clips available. Click here to download royalty-free licensing videos, motion graphics, music ...
BentenSound is a decentralized platform for completely free stock music for your videos. It is powered by Blockstack — a new internet for decentralized apps that you access through the Blockstack Browser.
Sampld is sound sharing platform for musicians and content creators. You can: 🤳🏻 Set as BG music for IG Story/Reels/TikTok/YouTube Shorts 🎸 Explore sounds for your music, or to find inspirations 🎬 Find music or SFX for your video/movie projects
DAuth - Login using Ethereum is the easiest way to allow users to login using their account on Ethereum. As simple as adding Facebook and Google logins. A completely decentralized alternative to OAuth Users can now login from any device without needing to install MetaMask/Mist and without the need to make any paid transactions!