The Oculus Quest is a virtual reality headset created by Oculus VR, a division of Facebook Inc. The device is fully standalone, features two, six degrees of freedom controllers, and runs on a Qualcomm Snapdragon 835 system on chip.
All-in-one VR system that powers CuriosityXR’s immersive learning experience! Meta Quest’s advanced tracking and compatibility make it ideal for creating engaging, hands-free educational interactions.
Meta Quest 3 is a fantastic device that gives a glimpse of how magical experiences can look like in the future. Their mixed reality SDKs were intuitive and effective for development.
The technology is cool.. But it is NOT ready for prime time, The multi user functionality is limited to per headset. Do NOT buy two headsets and have any expectations of sharing games between them. This is extremely dissappointing.. and there is no way around it