For anyone fighting against the rise of misinformation, sensationalism, and biased news, Ground News Pro will help you easily compare how a story is being covered by thousands of sources from across the political spectrum and from around the world.
This is an attempt to make the 200+ cognitive biases easier to understand and remember for everyone. They aren't bugs in our brains -- they're strategies that have been used (to great success!) to overcome some pretty overwhelming realities about the universe.
Cognitive biases affect everything we do. Amongst other things, they make us spend impulsively, be overly influenced by what other people think. They change our beliefs, our opinions, and our decisions, and we have no idea it is happening. When we are aware of our biases, it is sometimes possible, to estimate the bias and then modify our behaviour.
Metafact is a crowd-sourced fact-checking platform powered by the world's scientific community. Anyone can share an article, claim or question in science & technology - we source hundreds of verified experts to share the evidence and publish a consensus on whether it is fact or fiction.
Rankings for 250 publishers on the quality of articles they put out and their prevalence with a de-facto set of experts. #FakeNews no more! Update: this is not actively maintained.