Marketing Essentials

Marketing Essentials

Learn Marketing the simplest way (800+ curated resources)
3 reviews

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If you wanna learn Marketing Marketing Essentials is the ultimate bundle you’ll ever need. It helps you market your product, services & literally yourself EFFORTLESSLY! Get it now!

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5/5 based on 3 reviews


Edun Kerry
4 reviews
awesome product
Sparsh Sehgal
1 review
This is by far the most comprehensive source of tools, articles, listicles etc under the marketing umbrella that I have come across What stood out was that there are lists of tools that help in SEO too, in addition to other fields of marketing Thanks for this, it's worth the price!
Kenny KAH
1 review
I am new to marketing. There are so many courses, books and training of all kinds, I was a bit lost. I think I found my starting point :)