SendGrid Email Analytics by Keen IO is the fastest way to analyze the performance of your email campaigns and take action. Compare campaigns and tests and download a list of users who performed any action. Use downloaded lists to keep your lists clean and drive up email performance with better campaigns.
Moosend is a powerful email marketing platform with world-class features, state-of-the-art automations, and an award-winning user interface. From fledgling startups to Fortune 500 companies, thousands of businesses around the globe use Moosend to engage their email subscribers and grow their businesses.
Competio is a competitor email marketing tool. Receive monthly or weekly email digest summaries for your selected brands, and also get access to the Competio Vault updated weekly with email marketing communications from 100+ top ecommerce brands!
An effective email marketing system can generate up to $44 USD for every dollar invested - and possibly more. There are no boundaries for perfection. Check your email marketing campaigns' effectiveness.