What do you think about Luna Park no-code Challenge?
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What do people think of Luna Park no-code Challenge?
The community submitted 6 reviews to tell
us what they like about Luna Park no-code Challenge, what Luna Park no-code Challenge can do better, and
This is a must try product! Everything is made to make it easy to understand, smooth and nice looking! What could you ask for more?
Great work @herobrine doing all this by yourself! Crazy work 🔥
Roller Coaster would be a great fit for our company so that Business Analysts can edit our automation themselves! Requirements change all the time by some extent, and iterations between BA, devs and QA increases delays for even the smallest changes.
Great product. Love the gamified approach to learn to use this visual scripting. At least as powerful as Unreal Engine's Blueprint. Blueprint for the web. Love it!
If Visual Scripting is (and might very well be) the future way with which human users will interact with automated coding systems, then this challenge is the best way to discover and/or familiarize yourself with the concept.
Now that's a fun demo! It takes me back to the first years learning code, but way cooler haha!
Love the story telling and the atmosphere around the ecosystem you're building @herobrine.
Keep going strong and I look forward trying out the new products you're going to release!
Luna Park no-code Challenge