A directory of 1100+ online communities organized by topic, platform, and community features. Discover the perfect community for you, or list your own for free.
Showwcase is a social network built and optimised for developers. Developers can connect, share their knowledge and showcase their projects with like-minded individuals. For developer content creators, you can make money via paid subscribers.
I've always been interested in computer generated art, so built this while I've been stuck at home. Just provide a URL and watch your pointillism art take shape.
Where creators build their network and grow together. Creator World is the first event based community for creators of all kinds. We host events, and manage a community to help you grow as a creator.
Forem is a harbor for the most thoughtful, passionate communities on the internet. Whether you’re using our open source software as a creator or a member, participating in different Forems has never been easier.
Comana is an application to monitor open source community activity and provide data-driven insights and visibility into the projects. Data is sourced from the publicly available resources on GH Archive and processed into actionable information.
Startrack is an easier way to star repos on GitHub. Commonly, you'll head to a repo with the intent to star, but don't because the amount of information you are shown. Startrack aims to solve this problem, and is a bit like twitter intents, but for GitHub.