With Linkpack you can save your links for later, read them and even have them narrated automatically! You links are always synced between the app and your Dropbox account, meaning that you can use your Mac or PC to organize them as files and folders.
I live in my inbox and I wanted to save myself some time checking the same things over and over every morning, so I built ledigest.email a daily automated email with the info I'm interested in every morning.
HashTrends app lets you find the trending topics in your digital space. Many things can happen around you. Be smart not to miss the things you want. With new startups coming up, managing an app for every platform & finding the right content is challenging.
BeeTrendy gathers trending topics from popular sources on the Internet and shares them via email just like a newsletter. You can select the sources you want along with the frequency of emails (days and times). Even create multiple newsletters of your choice!