(Prev. URSOR) Anyone can create great digital lessons. That means you!
Digital lesson builder for teachers, tutors, and parents.β¨Monitor your students online, and curate an internet specifically for their learning.
Discover a new perspective on your child's imagination. crAion brings children's drawings to life using advanced AI technology and provides unique insights into their thoughts and feelings. Scan the precious art and save them in a gallery in the cloud.
Magic allows you to make extraordinary drawings using only your Mac's trackpad β it's one of a kind. By making use of Mac technology, Magic is the nicest and coolest way to express yourself using only touch and creativity.
Wynk gives you a canvas you can share with friends and draw on together. They can be viewed on your iOS device using widgets and update for everyone when anyone makes a change.
A simple drawing app with a magical twist. When you are ready, use your magic wand and transform your work of art. What will become of that cute cat that you drew? It's an easy way to bring life to your drawings and be inspired to draw something new.
I made watson! because sharing screens in apps like Slack or Discord, I've always felt the need to draw or write on screen. It lets you draw or note onto your screen. It comes with all the handy shortcuts, and tablet stylus support!
Tired of your laptop being completely cluttered all over your desk? Stickley solves that issue. With it's incredibly simple software you'll be creating notes for your team, or for yourself, in no time and quickly brainstorm your ideas, for later use!