Tracing and Safety Technology
3 reviews

What is KEEPY?

Easy-to-use lost and found ID tag. This intelligent tag carries essential information about its owner and anyone it’s attached to, making it simple for anyone who finds a lost item to contact the rightful owner and facilitate its safe return.

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Recent KEEPY Launches

KEEPY Tracing and Safety Technology

Launched on June 8th, 2023

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5/5 based on 3 reviews


Mikhail Larionov
5 reviews
This is great! Looks like a super convenient way to attach critical information to pretty much anything, no matter what size or nature. Animals, kids, items, you name it. I also love how this can be used as a cheap and expendable portal to a web page.
Aleksandr Mukomelov
2 reviews
Simple to use with a great App to customize settings for lost/found cases. Practical and robust plastic!
Katerina Berezhnova
3 reviews
The most useful piece of merch I received. As someone who often misplaces things, the Keepy has been a real game-changer. It's small, lightweight, and easy to attach to anything from my keys to my jacket. I lost my jacket and it was returned via Keepy QR code <3