IT-Rating is the first independent resource and digital ecosystem that rates companies that work in the digital sphere and industry. Our rating is based on smart and unique algorithms and scoring systems.
IT-Rating truly appears to be a game-changer for those on the AI journey, be it a startup or a professional. Congrats on the launch! With so many tools in one place, how do you ensure the quality and reliability of each tool listed? Looking forward to exploring this platform further!
Perfect platform with a honest and real traffic. Human-oriented personal support, lots of different ratings and directories for each separate type of IT company. Warmly recommending!
I am the head of an IT company and I recently registered in it-rating and to be honest I really think this ecosystem has a great future. This is really useful not only for IT companies that can rise to the top of the rankings, but also for those who would like to use the services of these companies, because thanks to a system that cannot be fooled, only the best will be in the ratings.
Особливістю цієї платформи є різноманітність доступних проектів ШІ. Від машинного навчання до комп’ютерного бачення й обробки природної мови – існує величезна кількість проектів, які варто дослідити. Це робить його чудовим ресурсом як для початківців, так і для експертів у цій галузі.