Jumpstart is the perfect starting point to build your new product idea. Skip weeks of development on things like authentication, teams, payments and billing, social login, admin areas, staging, etc, etc. Instead, focus on building and launching your product.
Ideas Bored is a freshly created social network where you can share your every days ideas. Ispire and get inspired During quarantine, people are getting bored and are either full of ideas or in need of new ideas. It's totally free and not made for profit.
This tool can analyze acsv file possibly realted to clinical trial or healthcare while columns are parameters and each rows are individual patients and presents the statistical insights in seconds.
Quilt & Create is an AI-enabled ideation tool. Through a simple feedback mechanism, you can produce thousands of creative ideas, all backed by a multi-billion parameter language model. The more you interact with it, the more refined the model becomes.
A new way of interactive collaboration to help teams to solve business problems and innovate in a multidimensional experience to deliver better, faster and cheaper results.