Eulerr is a platform where you can choose an agile software development team and get first delivery in 2 weeks. We charge a flat rate - $30 or $50 per hour applied to any specialist. Our main goal is to deliver to market as fast as possible. Start a project by next week for a 10% discount, Ushanka and a bottle of Russian vodka. Ask us anything.
Realm is building a modern financial advisor for your house. Your free Realm account includes an analysis of current and potential home value, costs & ROI estimates for renovations, and tools to prioritize based on budget & goals. Covering 70m US homes.
Pick any home for sale in the Bay Area, and ZeroDown will buy it with cash. You'll move into your ZeroDown Home fast and debt-free. You don't need a down payment. With each rent check, build up purchase-credits that can be used to buy the home later on.
Buying a home is a long, complicated process that hasn’t changed in decades. DwellWell provides homebuyers with a guided online experience that features education, decision-making tools, and connections to helpful experts, empowering buyers at every step.
We're here to help you experience the joy of second home ownership. With Pacaso, you own a second home for 1/8 of the cost, while avoiding the hassles of traditional ownership. We'll help you find the perfect fit. You decide how many shares you'd like to own.
With over 1.4 million homes to buy or rent, Nobbas is the first real estate search platform with built-in collaboration tools. Nobbas lets you add delete and comment directly on your favorite listings in real-time with your spouse, friends, roommates or agent. The days of sending listing URLs by email, Messenger, texts, etc are now behind!
Inclusive of covering the policy, the infrastructure and the motivation behind urban development, Urban focus rests on the development projects which are at the vanguard of the evolution underway in Australian cities.
Yuno helps landlord to monitor the performance of their real estate investments and to acquire. 🔎 Search right deals faster 📊 Simulate - get a detailed report of your project ⏭️ All steps to validate the rental potential 🛎️️ Performance, income and expenses
RealAdvisor is an aggregator of real estate information and services. We centralise all property listings, online valuation services, real estate agents and lenders in one place; providing an unprecedented level of transparency for the real estate market.