Capture one-second snapshot every day and get a movie of your baby's growing. Just one second. everyday. Precious moments of childhood you will never forget. Use Baby Snap to capture big baby’s moments every day. Add baby. Start Snapping! Invite relatives and Snap together. Discuss any Snap in a close circle. Generate a baby movie at one tap!
Nanit speaks baby.
Understand your baby’s days and nights. Nanit’s camera uses something called computer vision. Nanit learns how your baby moves, and tells you if they’re fussy, awake or sleeping like a dream.
Understand their night and conquer sleep.
Nanit Insights helps you identify sleep issues, so you can adjust and get back on track fast.
Nara Baby is your FREE shared hub for tracking all things baby. Add breast and bottle feeding sessions, pumping, sleep, and diaper changes with just a few simple taps. Intuitive, fuss-free, and shareable across multiple devices. You got this!
Period Diary is a free menstruation cycle tracker, ovulation and PMS calendar and a general female health and fertility monitor!
Whether you need help planning your pregnancy or want to avoid missing taking the pill, we’ve got you covered! Join many satisfied women who have made their lives simpler by tracking your symptoms, planning your activities and taking control of your life!