GoLinks revolutionizes how you find and share knowledge by transforming any URL into a memorable short link (aka go link or go/link). Go links are easy to type into your browser and share verbally in meetings or visually in emails and chats.
Say goodbye to digging through drives, mile-long bookmark lists, and information gatekeepers.
Best productivity tool EVER!! Completely streamlined my workflows and I feel so much more enabled and productive in my role being able to instantly access any company and team resources. Plus, so user-friendly
GoLinks has changed the game, I literally use them for work, personal use, my own small business and I tell friends that it is the easiest way to find resources always!
I never want to work without this tool. When I recall how much effort it used to take to find stuff before GoLinks... I never want to go back. They are also working on integrating AI recommendations into their search. It's like having a very well-trained assistant that hunts down precisely what you're looking for on your behalf instantly. It's awesome!