Godot is an amazing engine, and the godot-xr-template makes setting up a VR app a breeze.
I love that Godot is dead simple, fast, it just works, and it's open source and updated frequently.
Its the most friendly, minimal and awesome game engine on Planet Earth. What I truly love and adore is that people have and continue to create more than just games with this game engine. Full blown cross platform desktop apps have been made with this application. With the upcoming release of Godot 4, people will be able to make even more awesome things. A world where gamification is the norm everywhere, music videos are made with a game engine, cross platform without having to rely on archaic toolkits/frameworks and so much more. Godot will have the same adverse effects as someone with a scrum certificate or equivalent.
For an indie dev and AA game dev company, I found Godot to be a real lifesaver compared to competitors (ehem, Unity). It's free, open-source, and has an awesome community. I prefer its node system to Unreal Blueprints or Unity Game Objects, it's more versatile and it adapts well to component based architecture and to more object oriented ones. For indies, I really think it's the engine of the future. For AA devs, it will save you a ton of money and you will be able to customize the engine to your like or to fix bugs yourself without having to wait for bugfixes.