Launched on January 4th, 2022
Launched on September 23rd, 2021
The first You Got This! Zine was wonderful, and this new React edition is every bit as delightful. I'm new to React and have read about it a bit here and there, but I've never read such a plainly spoken description of what it is, why it's useful, and what it's useful for. It's really well done.
The mix of content is super helpful. I love that it has top devs giving short tips on using React and sharing how they came to be pro devs along with educating the reader about React. These zines have a broader focus, it seemsβthey're teaching people how to become professional developers, not just React or Node-capable. It's hard to balance the micro and macro in one short zine, but the Glitch team does so beautifully, as was the case with the first zine edition.
Lastly, the illustrations are just so fun, like all of Glitch's graphics. Playful and interesting with this splinter of nostaliga that gouges into you and grows into a beautiful infection of wonderment.
It was love at first site.
Glitch really is an amazing place to build, prototype, and learn. It is extremely powerful despite the retro feel. Don't be fooled, it can probably do what you want it to do, and then some.
I am excited to keep learning and building out projects on Glitch. I hope others can too.
This will be very useful for newbie developers starting out, especially those in developing countries.