A collection of prompt examples to be used with the ChatGPT model. To get started, simply clone this repository and use the prompts in the README.md file as input for ChatGPT. You can also use the prompts in this file as inspiration for creating your own.
AI tools and LLMs have got millions of users in the last 6 months. Many users are monetizing their knowledge of AI tools and LLMs. They use their knowledge to improve the efficiencies and operations of businesses. This guide decodes the business model.
Improve your prompts in a second, what is your subject? how do you want the image to look? answer these questions and in seconds you will have a new level prompt
The Prompt Craftsman is crafted for curious minds and enthusiasts who are always eager to learn and stay updated about AI. It is created to keep you informed on the latest tips & tricks to get better results from AI models and news from the world of AI.
With 2M+ ChatGPT prompts, get a jump-start on your marketing initiatives. Create compelling page headlines, descriptions & marketing messages that drive traffic, build engagement, & boost sales! The best part? It's free! Set up your eCom strategies in a jiffy.