Founder Salary Calculator 2023

How much should founders pay themselves?
4 reviews

What is Founder Salary Calculator 2023?

Six years after the initial release of the P9 Founder Salary Calculator, we've joined forces with Figures to release a new version, updating the methodology and adjusting it based on market data from more than 700 data points collected across Europe.

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3.75/5 based on 4 reviews
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O London
2 reviews
Where is Tel Aviv? More startups than all European countries...
ai geek (wishesh)
4 reviews
This is awesome. It will be great if you can include more cities.
Roberto Gómez -
11 reviews
thanks! very useful Christoph! Why do you think a founder with kids should be pay more? If you take the decision of not having kids, why can't you get the same pay and just live better? For me it's the same to how many hours should you work, if you have kids it's more understandable that you can leave the office however if you decide not to have them, you are expected to stay more. Why can't you leave at the same time and just enjoy your hobbies, rest etc.?
Vincent Lonij
9 reviews
This is amazing! And thank you for making this free to use and not hide it behind an email harvester. 😁 Based on my admittedly limited personal data the numbers seem quite good.