Couple of months have pasted.This is what's new in FocusDock application:
Flip Wallpaper when going into focus mode (The FocusDock application temporarily replaces macOS wallpaper with your custom one, ensuring a clean and distraction-free environment to help you maintain focus)
Multiple profiles (Want to keep one set of apps in your Dock when switching to "Gaming" mode and another one while in "Working"? Use multiple profiles mode and setup as many profiles as needed)
I've myself been using the app constantly for 3 months now and I found out that it's valuable not only when using combined with macOS focus modes: it's cool to have ability to quickly flip macOS dock applications: So i.e. If I want to show my screen during zoom call, I use FocusDock. It quits/closes unneeded applications, removes no needed apps from dock (and notifications goes away with them)
Update version here: flip macOS dock applications