Design better apps and websites Faster on Figma with just one click ✔ Create wireframes for any device or screen ✔ Category wise sections and blocks ✔ All elements are svg ✔ Easy to use and customise ✔ Colourful or Dark version available ✔ Easy to ideation
This plugin allows you to effortlessly pull text and images from an Airtable database and inject them straight into your Figma components. Build a single component, and map the Airtable data fields to the right layers and choose your layout. It's that easy!
With Scribe AI you can apply text to one or multiple layers in Figma at the same time. Whether you are working on a pitch deck, marketing site, app, or website design, Sribe AI makes it easier to create better copy faster.
Design tokens are an integral part of design system. Figma styles are not enough to create all tokens. Start with Figma styles, and go beyond! This plugin create token inside Figma file/library. It will help to keep in sync all tokens and elements properties.
Noted makes it easy for everyone to take quick notes on Figma. With various templates to choose from, one can take notes in any shape and form. All templates are customisable—play with the variations to create something unique!
Design tokens are the smallest parts of your design: colors, typography, spacing, etc. With them, you can make consistent experiences across different parts of your website and app and even across projects.
Apply any frame with grid styles configurations inspired from Google Chrome's element inspector. • Horizontal padding (1 - 12) • Vertical padding (1 - 12) • Max width (960px / center aligned) • Max width (960px / left aligned) • Show 12 columns
Contentful to Figma is a game-changer for designers. It allows you to easily and quickly pull data from your Contentful CMS and use it to generate custom design assets or update design elements within Figma.
Super Tidy renames your frames and reorders them in the layers list by their position in the canvas. It also replicates the Figma Tidy feature so you can run it all at once: Rename, Reorder and Tidy.
Viewports let you preview display sizes and market share of various viewports present in Apple and Google device lineup! Just select the frames you would like to work with, fire up the plugin, select the display size, and boom! Your mockups are resized!
With Easometric it is really easy to create isometric layers. This plugin using SSR30°, which is the most popular and flexible method of creating isometric artworks. Simple as that you can either quick apply a top, left or right perspective or using the modal.
• Compare multiple Figma designs and URLs at the same time. • No user accounts, browser extensions or apps required. • Overlays: Transparent, split screen, toggle, drag and diff. • Optionally specify different website page URLs per Figma frame. • Supports localhost using BrowerSync or Hot Module Reloading.
Want to try out this fancy new font in your Figma designs? Or lost control of your fonts? Font Replacer gives you an overview of the font families and styles that you used all in your designs. Simply pick the old font and replace it with the new font. Done.
Add dithering effect to images right there in Figma ✨. Features -⚡ Live preview. -✨ Gray-scale image processing support. -🚀 Faster Image processing. -🙌 Multiple selections dithering. -🔥 Process each channel (RGB) separately, producing interesting effects.
Figma plugin to make math shapes and curves. Choose from Polar Rose, Trigonometric functions, Polygons, Spirals of different kinds, Superellipse, Astroid and modify multiple parameters to get complex shapes with ease.
"Super quick add new page and be more productive!" Quick New Page will help you to add new page in super quick way. It's shortcut–to add single page or multiple page, this plugin can help you with that. Let’s make your workflow faster and be more productive!
With GroupAndHide you can create groups to add any type of nodes (Frames, groups, shapes etc.) without breaking their position in the hierarchy tree, and then toggle visibility property for all the items inside a group.