Amazing tool! :) I just hope that linkedin wont hunt you :D
I'm a delighted user of Meet Leonard and Felix will be extremely useful in pursuing leads that aren't as active on LinkedIn as I hoped they would be. So I do an end-run and email them. This is a powerful one-two punch! Exceited about this expanded capability!
I've already recommended it to a few people. With the team's record of improvements, I'm sure it will get better.
I hope the tool would improve over time and get non corporate emails that are publically available if corporate ones can't be found.
It has helped me allready in understanding how best to approach an important lead - Thanks
I haven't used the tool for long (only a couple of days) so I can't say much. I think the previous points help illustrate my experience.
I checked the presentations, tested and it did exact what was expected. Nice job.
This one-two combination makes finding your ideal client a walk in the park.