Sunflower helps you rewire your brain to associate sobriety with reward by combining visual progression tracking & modified Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Every day you stay sober, you earn a flower. It comes with a journal to track cravings & activities. :)
Quitting addictions is hard. That's why this dashboard is designed to ease the process and give you a better overview of your progress, as well as the consequences of relapsing, to help you stay sober in the long run.
Take a fall break from alcohol with this fun messaging based challenge. Get 1 text per day to log your progress, and connect and celebrate with others doing the challenge as you go 🎃👻. **Available via SMS for the US and internationally on Whats App!!**
Sober app helps you to quit drinking: - Track you sober days - See the timeline of what happens when you quit drinking for good - Add beautiful iOS 14 widgets on your Home Screen. Begin to enjoy all the benefits of being drink-free. Keep calm and stay sober.
Alcohol is just bringing tomorrow's happiness forward to today. We love partying but as we get older the hangovers hit harder, stay longer; the anxiety, brain fog, fatigue, nausea, get too much. We've made, in our completely non-biased opinion, the best hangover prevention product in the market.