4 out of 5 dogs suffer from oral disease by the age of 3. Oral disease is the #1 problem among dogs. Bristly is designed with dogs' anatomy in mind and helps them brush their own teeth, effortless.
Everyone needs a hand w/ their dog sometimes. In a city you’re surrounded by neighbours who’d be happy to lend a hand if they knew you needed it. We knock on doors so you don’t have to, connecting you to a shortlist of neighbours who’ve said yes to helping when you ask for it. Get a hand whenever you need it w/o breaking the bank. And help others.
Waggit takes the wrist wear of the human health care world and brings it into your dog’s collar so you can improve your dog's health and possibly lengthen their life. The smart collar tracks your dog’s vitals, activity, location and more.
Millions of sweet puppers everywhere go unloved and uncelebrated on one of their 7 yearly birthdays. We humans forget that every time a dog ages a year, they have actually aged 7 dog years. This means that you are depriving Charlie, Bean and Coffee a birthday treat on all other of their 6 birthdays.
Pet Wall is a mobile app where anyone, not just pet-lovers and pet-owners, can showcase their pets or even adopt your dream pet. We’ve extended the app to expand your business about pets and animals.