So pleased this is going public! Lucky enough to have been a user since the beta and it has rapidly eclipsed all our established web testing platforms. I work for a major UK fashion brand/retailer who has previously tested our site with both webdriverIO and Cypress, but nothing comes close to the ease of use of DoesQA. My biggest 🤯 mind blowing moments have been: • Signing up -> running my first test in minutes: Didn't need to hook in any third parties for test execution this handles everything for you in the app • Branching test flows: It's hard to explain but SO easy to do, I'll try though... I had one pathway on my flow, I added a branch and DoesQA created an additional test for that branch, I branched earlier in the test and suddenly I have four tests 😊 If you have used diagram tools before this is just like that, you draw what you want to happen, and it does! • Lighthouse!!! A simple intuitive way to assert against expected lighthouse results! So happy to have this. • Change detection: Provides a visual regression solution • Unlimited concurrency: I've spent so long limiting the number of tests I execute because the company I work for purchased a certain number of parallel runners with their cloud execution provider. Now I don't need to even consider it! Just pay for what we use and it is working out cheaper💰🤑💰! I code... this is letting me spend my time working on all the things I want to work on (solving the real tricky problems), while the mundane repetitive stuff is built really quick. I was somewhat sceptical at first but after getting stuck in and trying it out the power of branching flows is amazing, we went from about 7% coverage on our old test framework (essentially just key end to end journeys) to roughly 40% coverage in just 2 sprints!