I have quite a few talks on the disconnect we now have between OPS and DEV. Still in 2023 most developers haven't used an observability tool and don't even know what it means. Having played with Digma quite a bit I'm very hopeful that it will help change that for the better.
I think that such tools can revolutionize debugging issues quickly and as a result improve overall system reliability.
Observability should be a shared responsibility for R&D. Without that DevOps are chasing their tail and R&D is blind.
Get insights on code behavior and performance based on production and use to improve your code.
Pretty amazing, you just need to hook it up with your service and it will start gathering insights. You can identify bottlenecks, opportunities to improve your code, and hotspots.
Congrats on the launch!
looks like a very necessary tool in today's developers work environment.
Is there also support for hybrid code base? like Java+Kotlin?
Digma makes continuous feedback and live debugging so easy that unbelievable. Having so much information with so little (or no) effort is amazing. Having the best metrics and traceability in the local environment is also amazing.
Digma.ai can be good tool for identifying bottlenecks in your processes and improving overall efficiency. Intuitive and easy to use. Saves you a lot of time on debugging and refactoring issues.