We're making mental health approachable. Build new skills and actually enjoy learning about your mental health like never before. Did we mention it's free to download? Get early access at diallapp.com
Diall has already been so user friendly and helpful. I am so excited to continue to use this app to improve my mental health and to share it with all of my friends!
The importance of Diall starts with the importance of the TOPIC. Thank you for the dedication and guidance. So needed and welcomed, let’s Diall this UP!
Formal Mental health education should be a birthright, and this app is the first encounter I’ve ever had that qualifies as “formal” mental health education. I love that I can choose which topics resonate with me and each day I can dive deeper into understanding myself and others. Honestly, I owe so much to Diall. Where was this 10-20 years ago!?