Design Tokens Manager for Notion

Design Tokens Manager for Notion

Effortless design tokens management in Notion.
2 reviews

What is Design Tokens Manager for Notion?

Design Tokens Manager includes a list of common categories for design tokens, such as color, font, grid, radius, spacing, sizing, shadow, and time. You will get a database of design tokens organized into common categories with an automatic naming feature.

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4.5/5 based on 2 reviews


Maciej Balasiński (magic)
8 reviews
Really nice and handy tools for everyone who wants to start quickly documenting design tokens. I understand that this template can't fit to all use cases, but I believe it's a really solid base, so everyone can make own design language.
Tobia Marconi
1 review
This Notion template is well structured and can be a solid support in managing a basic but very complete list of tokens. It works well also as a reference to be sure not to forget or leave behind any detail. To product is super promising and brings in all the convenience of Notion for what concerns team collaboration.