Datapad is "the Canva for Data"
Build stunning dashboards blazingly fast with built-in templates
Integrate with 10s of real-time connectors
Share & collaborate with your team and stake-holders
Build dashboards from your sheet files
SkyBucket provides an all-in-one concept platform to combine and manage all bookmarks and bucket lists from various social networks and sources by creating folders, adding descriptions and using filters and search bar.
Felt makes it easy for anyone to create and share maps that tell a story — from campsite directions to shifts in climate. For the dozens of industries that rely on maps to get work done, Felt is the first user-friendly, collaborative tool built for teamwork.
Transforming the way people work by automating the generation of repetitive data-driven narratives. Personalize data-driven content in minutes. Easily add personalized numbers, tables, and charts directly into decks & PDFs.