I have been using Daily Now and Daily Go for quite some time now. Awesome source of curated developer related news and articles. Stay on the top of your dev game.
I'm always trying to find the balance between work and learning/reading.
I was using Facebook as a main news feed for learning and updating on Phyton that recently was my goal to learn until I got this extension.
I think it is the best way to be productive, stay up to date and learn new things while coding.
Keep up with the excellent work. I'll keep spreading the word about this superb product you built.
This is exactly what us web developers need, a very rich source of information that feeds us with a spoon.
You nailed it with the toilet mode!
I love that you can get all your news in a gist and in toilet mode you don't dwell on one headline too much
You think daily is just an rss feed that looks good, but in
fact it's an awesome tool creeping up on your workflows
as a developer and making your day with fresh news insights
and available tools. +1 !!!