First of all I could not register my kit. No customer support only through email which took forever and they stopped responding when I told them I could not register my product. It's a scam. Pls stay away from this looters
We have conceived two kids naturally in the past 3 years, but wanted to bank a sample. After following the instructions to the letter, we were told the sample couldn’t be processed and we would have to pay another $99 to try again. They should be willing to guarantee their “pod.” I fear this is nothing but a scam -sounded too good to be true and it is.
Sent in a sample-- simply said could not process. Not sure what this means-- we've had three kids together. Not clear and didn't provide any useful information.
The customer support is horrible and a little rude. I will update once I get my second box since their box broke in transit and we have to start all over.