Stop spending $20k+ on a copy-paste smart-contract for your ICO! Launch your crowdfunding with Ethereum today! Fill out easy questionnaire about how you want to raise funds — and deploy the smart-contract to local, test and live Ethereum networks. It's this simple now. Oh, and it's completely free. And did I mention that it's open source? I did.
Gelato Ops makes it easy to automate arbitrary smart contract functions on blockchains like Ethereum. Create and manage automated tasks that act like cron jobs within seconds. Our decentralized, highly reliable bot infrastructure does the rest for you🍦 🤖️
Tired of crypto hype? With MyEtherHODL you can safely keep your ETH and don’t worry about value and market price up to 3 years. It’s a formal smart contract without any fee. We made it as simple as possible. Check it out!
The Gnosis Safe Multisig is the most trusted platform to store digital assets on Ethereum for companies, hodlers, funds, developers, DAOs, and investors.
This app is a companion app to the Gnosis Safe Multisig web interface and desktop apps.
A domain-specific smart contract programming language for modeling, automating, and enforcing multi-party agreements. DAML contracts can run on multiple DLT/blockchain platforms.
Incentivai tests whether your smart contract will perform as expected. It uses Machine Learning agents that are human-like and capable of identifying new failure modes and allows you to see ahead of time how your system would behave once deployed.
Courier delivers your transaction proposals direct to your Gnosis Safe. Features: ♾️ More dApps — Propose transactions as easy as using your wallet 💨 1-Click — Propose to different safes in a single step. ⛓️ Multichain — 11 chains supported