No, CoinMarketCap does not have or charge fees for general viewing of its listings
No, CoinMarketCap does not have a wallet. It is purely a price-tracking platform for crypto assets.
According to numerous reports and reviews, this question can be best answered as both yes, and no. Yes, it is accurate in a sense because CoinMarketCap is the world's most-referenced price-tracking website for cryptoassets, and is used by tens of millions of people to great effect. However, it is also well-known for being notoriously inaccurate. Because CoinMarketCap does not yet have an effective mechanism to flag and root out dubious exchanges and fake volume that is occurring on the site, many retail investors of CoinMarketCap have been burned by inaccuracies that were listed and were not properly vetted by CoinMarketCap. It is now recommended by most experts in the crypto space that all potential investors should view CoinMarketCap's data with care and always verify through other sources.
No, you can not trade on CoinMarketCap. CoinMarketCap reports on the trading activities of thousands of markets but does not directly sell any cryptocurrency.
CoinMarketCap is owned by Binance Holdings Limited, which is currently the largest cryptocurrency exchange in the world.
No, unfortunately CoinMarketCap is not considered safe to use by most users. While some users report a positive experience using CoinMarketCap, according to many of the 286 customer reviews on which only averaged 1.4 out of 5 stars, CoinMarketCap is seen as one of the least trustworthy crypto listing services in the industry. They have been accused of listing incorrect prices and information, manipulating rankings, and even promoting scams.
According to their website, CoinMarketCap is the world's most-referenced price-tracking website for crypto assets in the rapidly growing cryptocurrency space. Its mission is to make crypto discoverable and efficient globally by empowering retail users with unbiased, high quality and accurate information for drawing their own informed conclusions.