Did you know Tinder shares your private conversations and matches? They're pretty straightforward about it in their privacy policy. Guard is an Artificial Intelligence that reads privacy policies for you and spots the threats in them. Protect your privacy.
With these design patterns by Juro and Stefania Passera, you can turn boring legal text into a transparent, engaging document that people can actually read.
Polisis is a unique way of visualizing privacy policies. Using deep learning, it allows you to know what the company is collecting about you, what it is sharing, and much more. You don't have to read the full privacy with all the legal jargon to understand what you are signing up for.
Hi, I'm @lewisbuildsai. I'm building 12 free AI-powered tools for indie devs, soloprenuers and makers in 2024, and PoliciesByAI is tool #1. You can generate a compliant Privacy Policy & Terms of Service for your next website, project/app free of charge.