High-quality UX/UI and Wireframe Kits, Illustrations, Templates, and Mockups to make your design workflow faster and easier. Craftwork is a small team of designers and developers. We create our own design stuff and follow new cool products around the internet.
The Design Sprint Kit is an open-source resource for design leaders, product owners, developers or anyone who is learning about or running Design Sprints.
Flowbite is an ecosystem of open-source libraries, tools, and products built around Tailwind CSS consisting of a Figma design system, component library, website section and page templates, and other tools.
Bootstrap is an open-source toolkit for developing with HTML, CSS, and JS. Quickly prototype your ideas or build your entire app with our Sass variables and mixins, responsive grid system, extensive prebuilt components, and powerful plugins built on jQuery.
Hope UI is a powerful & developer-first Admin Dashboard Template & UI Components. It is a front-end ecosystem designed to speed up development workflow by 10x. Hope UI is available in 8+ technologies: React Js, Vue Js, Laravel, Tailwind, Figma & more.
TailAdmin is a Tailwind CSS admin dashboard template that provides developers with everything needed to create a complete, data-driven back-end, dashboard, or admin panel solution.
unavatar.io is a tiny service that will get the avatar querying against provider supported, being DeviantArt, Dribbble, DuckDuckGo, GitHub, Gravatar, Instagram, Reddit, SoundCloud, Substack, Telegram, Twitter, YouTube, and more!
AdminKit is a free and premium Boostrap admin template with hundreds of components, forms, tables, charts, pages and icons. Built on top of Bootstrap 5.
Emojis are being used more and more. 92% of the online population uses emojis daily. Emojibatch makes it easier to find, copy and paste the emoji you are looking for. It is all achievable in under 7 seconds.
Anitar.dev is an API which serve you images of random or specific animal/color combinations. It lets web developers or designers use fun graphics in their project with zero hassle (just use the address https://anitar.dev/get/r to get a randompng).
Looking for free HTML Templates? This project aims to provide free Bootstrap themes for students, educators, and/or any purpose. Sponsored and powered by Vercel.
Quasar Minimalist Design: A premium admin template embodying minimalist web design philosophy. It prioritizes simplicity, cleanliness, and functionality. Ideal for businesses seeking a user-friendly dashboard.