What is Cauldron?
Use Cauldron to create engaging job application processes for your applicants, eliminate preliminary screening stages and get right to the interviews.
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Cauldron V2 - Hire 50% faster with merit-based job applications
Use Cauldron to build tasks and assignments into your job application and see your applicants do the job before they get the job.This way hiring managers can evaluate skills and merit of their applicants instead of resumes reducing bias in the hiring process.
Cauldron for Recruiters - Hire in 5 days, no matter how many apply
Ditch the Resume. Get more insight into who’s applying with voice questions, take-home tasks, eligibility questionnaires, and more — right in the job application. Instantly fast-track your best candidates to interviews and hire in less than 5 days.
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5/5 based on 93 reviews
•6 reviews
We recently had terrible experiments with Google Forms and Sheets that we used to control multiple vacancies. We wasted tons of time and did a lot of manual work.
Cauldron is precisely what we need to improve the process. Highly recommend!
•1 review
Finally, I get to sing the praises of this platform! Cauldron is a lifesaving product if your team is struggling to highlight the right candidates from your recruiting pipeline. The first thing you experience is the user experience, which feels incredibly intuitive. Then you see how it streamlines your hiring funnel while making the candidate experience feel "authentic-at-scale"...
We've probably used 10 or more recruiting tools that all did different versions of the same old thing, but Cauldron is uniquely user-friendly and the capabilities seem to keep expanding because the team is hands-on with feedback and enhancing the platform.
Also, throughout our POC and since we fully implemented, candidates have given us great feedback and we're seeing more effective interviews because the right candidates are being surfaced where they weren't before. Our recruiting team finally has a manageable work/life balance.
Glad to see this getting traction, and it deserves much more!